Remove Bhui Virus Ransomware (+File Recovery)

About Bhui

Bhui is ranked by our malware research team as the DJVU ransomware family. Another variants of this family here: About STOP/Djvu Ransomware. There are certain scanners that skip it as well as therefore letting its intrusion. Actually, we have to call it that, because of the “.bhui” extension that it attaches at the end of your documents.

Let’s clarify. Bhui infection attacks your system through trick and sleight also. After that, once entered it practices AES or RSA enciphering methods to hold your data.

After that, they extort you for their release. After Bhui gets round right into your device, it places every one of your data under isolation. It appends its very personal extension “.bhui” at the end, thus making documents isolated.

Files with “.bhui” extension appended by the Bhui virus:

.bhui Files
Example of .bhui files

It attacks files, registers, pictures, songs, videos, all of it! Thereafter, you can’t longer open them. Displacing records or retitling it will not facilitate. Sole remedy to release your files from the ransomware’s keep is deciphering. The ransomware intended you to send redemption cash if you wish to get your documents back. It makes that clear (in the blackmail message) it will decrypt data after defrayal.

The message is generally a text file, left on your desktop. You can also reveal it in each folder that has encrypted documents. It describes your troubles and also proposes you a decision. According to Bhui, exclusive remedy to release your records is with a unique deciphering code. And also, to obtain it you have to send a redemption. The amount is $980, as well as it’s generally asked for in cryptocurrency.

The message by the Bhui virus states the following information:


Don't worry, you can return all your files!
All your files like photos, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
What guarantees you have?
You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that's price for you is $490.
Please note that you'll never restore your data without payment.
Check your e-mail "Spam" or "Junk" folder if you don't get answer more than 6 hours.

To get this software you need write on our e-mail:

Reserve e-mail address to contact us:

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Your personal ID:

Do NOT send money for decrypt of “bhui” files!

The Bhui malware guarantees, to send you the key after you render. As well as, that’s it. That’s all you obtain – a promise. You have no warranties that obedience finishes in something favorable. Do not rest on words of virtual crooks. That is people, that will double-cross you. Do NOT pay them a cent. Don’t call them Do NOT comply with their needs.

Do not pay for ransomware

How did my PC got harmed by Bhui?

Your devices get corrupted with the Bhui ransomware because of your incapacity to be on alert. Some people do not notice essential details while surfing the Internet or downloading different applications.

The Bhui infection uses the old but good annexationist techniques to deceive you. And creeps in unobserved. That contains concealing behind broken web links, sites, and torrents. It practices free software as a way to hide itself. And forms as a false system or program update. Like, Adobe Flash Player or Java.

Yet more often than not, it makesuse of junk emails. You receive an email that seems to find from a well-known company. Like, Amazon or PayPal. And, the email suggests you to click a web link, or download and install an tool. If you do, you end up with ransomware.

Remember that these types of risks are cheating your inadvertence. They need you to hurry and miss doing due diligence. That relieve their covert infiltration. They rest on you to leave your fate to chance. Do not! Don’t pick rashness over care. One keeps viruses out. The other welcomes them in.

Consequently, do not disburse them a loan. Don’t connect to the virtual kidnappers. If you do, you’ll regret it. It’s a futile effort to recover your records, as well as it will not end well for you. Below’s why.

There are a few circumstances that can interpret when you see the buyout currency note on your monitor. Claim, you resolve to comply. You contact to the extortionists, pay their buyout currency, and wait. You wait on them to send you the decryption trick they promised. Well, what happens if they do not?

However, you have no assurances. All, you rest on, is a promise. Can you absolutely think pledges of cyber frauds? The answer is ‘No.’ These are people, who will certainly disappoint you. Don’t provide money! There’s also another alternative.

They can send you a decryption code. However, when you effort to open it, it fails to work.

Yes, they can send you the unfaithful key. After that, you have much less money, as well as your information continues to be encrypted. Don’t disburse! And also your best-case case isn’t a reason for delight. What takes place after you pay the buyout cash, obtain the appropriate trick, as well as totally free your data? Well? Consider it. You paid fee to eliminate a sign and symptom, yet not the malware starting it.

So, you remove the encryption, yet the Bhui cryptoware stays. It’s still skulking in the hooks of your system, complimentary to strike once again. After that, you’re back at a new start.

Why is Bhui unsafe?

In addition, to encrypt a sufferer’s records, the Bhui infection has also started to install the Azorult Spyware on PC to steal account passwords, cyber money wallets, desktop documents, and more.

So, your computer got attacked by Bhui and also probably you have actually lost time trying to eliminate it manually. We are absolutely positive that the remedy below will certainly be usefull in removing Bhui in an automated manner.

How to protect PC from Bhui ransomware?

However, let us initially speak about prevention of such virus assaults in the future. There is something exists that you can do to get away from this kind of critical hazard from entering into your computer beforehand?

There are a couple of things we wish to talk about here. First one is your private responsibility for being beyond belief thoughtful while you utilize your PC and largely while you surf the internet. When inspecting your e-mail and see some doubtful attachments consisted of, do not hurry to open them.

The same way, when you get on Facebook and social networks also someone you communicate with sends you messages attaching accessories, be very careful, especially if these are some exe-extension files.

Another thing to take into consideration is researching the reliability of your current anti-malware program. Sadly, there are numerous safety and security programs nowadays that just announce to be dependable, whereas in times of real malware incursions they simply stop working to do the task as promoted.

In case Bhui penetrated into your PC this specifies that your current anti-malware program did not do its advertised assignment as well as really fell short to protect your system. So obviously it is a ratio for you to revalue your choices and also definitely change over to some other program that can most certainly grant the wanted degree of security.

Not all antiviruses are good

We can also discuss some portion of users that like not to have any kind of security software program at all. Definitely, this is a big error on their component, due to the fact that presently the Internet has plenty of internet jeopardies that may stealthily penetrate susceptible systems, specifically those that are not appointed with some standard degree of protection.

So, having antivirus permanently operating and securing your PC is a required point in nowadays’ virtual world.


Bhui removal guide

STEP 1. Recover files from Bhui ransomware encryption

You can download free decryption tool here: Decryptor for STOP Djvu. But it work when the Bhui virus used an offline key for encryption.

If key does not found, we advice to restore your PC

There are a lot of different ransomware viruses on the internet. Some of them are more dangerous than the others because they not only leaving malicious processes to protect themselves, but also removing backups of your system to make the recovery process impossible.

Please Note: Not all ransomware infections are able to remove backups of your system, so it is always worth to try a windows recovery.
We recommend use Safe Mode with command prompt to safely perform a recovery of your files. You will have to reboot your computer, so you better save this instruction:

How to Restore Files from a Backup in Windows 7/8/10

STEP 2. Removing Bhui ransomware malicious files

Once the recovery process is complete, you should consider scanning your computer with a GridinSoft Anti-Malware in order to find any traces of Bhui infection. Though some ransomware viruses are removing themselves right after the encryption of your files, some may leave malicious processes on your computer for special purposes of cyber criminals.

Bhui Virus Remover

  1. Run GridinSoft Anti-Malware and choose the scan type, which is suitable for your needs. Of course, for the accuratest scan results we recommend you to choose the “Full Scan”.

    GridinSoft Full Scan

  2. Give Anti-Malware a little time to check your system:

    GridinSoft Anti-Malware Scanning

  3. Move to quarantine all the viruses and unwanted files, that you see in the results list:

    GridinSoft Anti-Malware Scan Result

  4. Enjoy the malware removal process:

    After Clean PC

  5. Use of On-run protection may additionaly prevent different types of cyber attacks, our protect may flag the downloader of the ransomware as a malicious application preventing the download of Bhui.

    GridinSoft Protection

STEP 3. Prevent the Bhui virus infection

Besides the protection tool, you should read and learn few simple rules. Follow them every time you work on your computer and your will decrease chances of your infection to a minimum:

  • Don’t open suspicious spam letters. No way! Be very careful with your downloads. Download and install applications preferably from its trusted website.
  • Do backups of your important files regularly. Storing your really important files in few different places is a good decision.
  • Keep your PC free from adware, hijackers and PUPs The infected computer will be more likely compromised with other malicious software, and ransomware is not an exception in this case.
  • Don’t panic and be reasonable. Don’t pay the ransom fee right after you got infected, it is always best to search on the internet for some answers. It is possible that someone have developed a decryption tool that might help you.

Polina Lisovskaya

I works as a marketing manager for years now and loves searching for interesting topics for you

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