Check Point researchers believe that Emotet infrastructure may be disabled for maintenance and upgrades. It is possible that once its servers are restarted, Emotet will be reactivated with new enhanced threat capabilities.
«Emotet has been around as a banking Trojan since 2014. Since 2018 however we have seen it being used as a botnet in major malspam campaigns and used to distribute other malwares. Even though its infrastructure has been inactive for much of June 2019, it was still #5 in our global malware index, which shows just how much it is being used — and it’s likely that it will re-emerge with new features”, — says Maya Horowitz, director threat intelligence and research at Check Point.
As soon as Emotet gets on the victim’s computer, the botnet can use the device to further spread spam campaigns, download other malicious programs (for example, Trickbot, which in turn infects the entire hosting network using the infamous ransomware program Ryuk), and spread to other resources on the network.
In June 2019’s, Lotoor continues to lead the ranking of mobile malware. It is followed by Triada and Ztorg – a new highscore malware.
In June, researchers noted the leading position of SQL injection methods in the threat rating (52% of organizations around the world). Vulnerability in OpenSSL TLS DTLS Heartbeat and CVE-2015-8562 ranked second and third respectively, affecting 43% and 41% of organizations worldwide.
SQL injection (several ways of uses) – inserting SQL code into client-to-page input data using a vulnerability in the application software.
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