It is not a coincidence that you have located cloudnet.exe process in your Task Manager. The chances are that your computer got recently contaminated with certain malicious software, or at least with some potentially unwanted utility (which doesn’t often make any difference). While cloudnet.exe process is active a lot of unexpected things could occur, such as various sudden pop-ups through your default browser, redirection issues, etc. In general, your PC will have the peculiarity of essential slowdown because of this particular process to be enabled. However, this is just a brief analysis and the real consequences of cloudnet.exe process for your PC could be really devastating in the short or long run.
Right-click on cloudnet.exe in the Task Manager and it will open the \AppData\Local\Temp\csrss\ folder where the process is going on. The process finds the links with many other services and that is a real problem. If you try to delete this folder manually, you will need to demolish some other useful items, too. Not all are ready for such step, so they ignore the problem and suffer in silence. Unfortunately, the threat is still active and it creates a lot of obstacles for your normal usage of the device. It will go on until you delete cloudnet.exe infection.
cloudnet.exe harmful process penetrates the system due to several reasons. Firstly, potentially unwanted applications get inside the system because of the users. They often obtain free software that consist bundled PUPs (potentially unwanted programs). However, if you are attentive all the time and read EULAs (End User License Agreements) before setting up free software, you can avoid the problem of malicious penetration. But let’s be honest, we can’t stay alert constantly and sooner or later we are condemned to fail. Secondly, cloudnet.exe penetrates the system because of poor protection. Your existing anti-virus software may be too weak to track modern threat and clean them on time. And what to say about those who avoid anti-viruses at all? They face the most probable risks! Finally, you have ended up having a device infected with cloudnet.exe. Fortunately, there is an effective and win-win solution against all harmful computer rubbish.
To protect your PC from cloudnet.exe malware intrusion and to get rid of this infection fully from your system we strongly advise that you carefully follow this tutorial below. As mentioned in some of our upper paragraphs, cloudnet.exe is interconnected with many other malicious utilities, so to get rid of it manually could be definitely a time-consuming and uneasy undertaking. Automatic malware detection and removal is what your PC needs right now. So, please implement all the steps provided in the rest of the article to make your computer clean and malware-free.
Click here to download latest version of GridinSoft Anti-Malware
GridinSoft Anti-Malware offers excellent solution which may help to prevent your system from being contaminated with malware ahead of time. This feature is referred to as “On-Run Protection”. By default, it is disabled once you install the software. To enable it, please click on “Protect” button and press “Start” as demonstrated below:
The useful and interesting function may allow people to prevent install of malicious software. It means, when you will try to install some suspicious file, On-Run Protection will block this installation attempt ahead of time. NOTE! If users want to allow the dangerous program to be installed, they may choose “Ignore always” button. In case, if you want to terminate a malicious program, you must select “Block always”.
That is all! Leave your comments and questions below, or use our ticket system to make contact with our professional support team. We will gladly help you!
By the way, if you want to use the portable version of GridinSoft anti-malware scanner, we are happy to represent you the Trojan Killer Portable. Especially for your memory stick – be sure that your private data is safe wherever you go! Feel free to try it now:
About pop-ups can not expose out of nowhere. If you have clicked on…
About pop-ups can not launch out of nowhere. If you have clicked on…
About pop-ups can not launch out of the blue. If you have clicked…
About pop-ups can not open out of the blue. If you have clicked…
About pop-ups can not expose out of the blue. If you have clicked…
About pop-ups can not expose out of the blue. If you have clicked…