Comodo / Sectigo mindede mere end 100 certifikater

Sectigo (dannet Comodo certificering center) hævder, at selskabet mindede mere end 100 digitale certifikater, som angribere, der anvendes til at underskrive malware-koder.

The reason is recent Chronicle report.

sectigo employees commented on the Chronicle report, insistere på, at blandt bemærket af forskere kun certifikater 127 var levedygtig på tidspunktet for rapporten. Center for certificering mindede dem så hurtigt som muligt.

A thank you to security monitoring firm Chronicle for identifying 127 active Code Signing certificates from Comodo / Sectigo used to sign malware incidents. We have revoked these certificates”, — wrote Comodo/Sectigo.

According to the Sertigo specialists, kun 10% of certificates, released by Comodo/Sertigo and noted in the Chronicle report, presented a problem.

"Uheldigvis, recent press reports suggest the incorrect conclusion that Chronicle reported nearly 2000 such certificates for Comodo / Sectigo. Since this story ran, we have investigated all of the certificates attributed to Comodo/Sectigo. Mere end 90% of these were expired, previously revoked, or duplicate reports”, — informed Comodo/Sectigo.

It is worth reminding that Chronicle specialists argued that Comodo certification center (currently known as Sertigo) released the greatest number of certificates that use signed malware programs.

Researchers during a year analyzed samples on Virus Total. Compilated by Chronicle data says that among 3815 signed samples of malware programs 1775 used issued by Comodo certification center certificates.


Polina Lisovskaya

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