Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores belga suspendió el trabajo de sus servicios debido a los ataques de los piratas informáticos

El martes, 16 abril, ciberataque obligado Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores belga para apagar sus servicios electrónicos, incluyendo emisión y documentos de legalización pasaportes.

reiplobel network that connects Ministry with embassies and consultants around the word that completely switched off. Restauración de su trabajo tomará aproximadamente 72 horas.

“Nos dimos cuenta de un intento de penetrar en la red de Asuntos Exteriores y decidimos, as a precaution, to isolate the network and proceeded to restart the system.”, — Belgian media quotes Foreign Ministry spokesperson Karl Lagatie.

It is not reported if this attack was an attempt to intrude in Foreign Ministry network. In Ministry argue that leak of information was prevented. What purpose pursued cybercriminals and if government of other state ordered this attack, is unclear.

The Foreign Ministry’s website only citedurgent technical reasonsfor the outage.


Polina Lisovskaya

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