Verwundbarkeit der Schutz macOS integriert ermöglicht es Angreifern seitige Anwendung starten auf Opfer des Computers

Offenbar konfrontiert Apple-eine andere Verwundbarkeit der Torwächter Technologie, die nur vertrauenswürdige Software auf Mac-Computern runing erlaubt.

Security researcher Filippo Cavallarin discovered and in details described new vulnerability in Mac OS.

„Auf MacOS X-Version 10.14.5 (Mojave) und darunter, es ist möglich zu “leicht Torwächter umgehen, um ohne Warnung nicht vertrauenswürdigen Code auszuführen oder eine ausdrückliche Genehmigung des Benutzers”, — Filippo Cavallarin said.

Gatekeeper checks Apple digital signature in Apple applications that uploaded not from official App Store. Respectively, if such signature not found, program does not start without users’ permission.

Filippo Cavallarin
Filippo Cavallarin
jedoch, integrated in system protection considers flash drives and network folders to be secure sources that do not need signature check. Attackers only have to force user to enable one of this resources for starting necessary application.

This can be done, Zum Beispiel, with the use of ZIP-file with the symbolic link that will indicate random location, and so, automatically mount a network resource. Simply speaking, user downloads archive, extracts content and follows the link to the “right” place from where any malicious executable file can be launched under the guise of a document or document folder.

Now the victim is in a location controlled by the attacker but trusted by Gatekeeper, so any attacker-controlled executable can be run without any warning”, – Cavallarin states.

There’s a video here that shows the exploit in action:

This problem had to be fixed in macOS 10.14.5 as Filippo Cavallarin notified Apple about it on February 22. jedoch, Unternehmen ignored his messages. He finally published information about vulnerability after 90 days that Apple had to address this issue.


Polina Lisovskaya

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