Intruders lehrte Trojan QBOT in den Filialen der bestehenden Messaging zu verstecken

QBOT Bankier Verbreiter, die seit bekannt ist, 2009 Noch eine Email-Kampagne gestartet, wenn auch mit einigen Neuerungen.

Experts of command for special operations from American JASK company established that intruders are now masking malware messages by using existing electronic correspondence.

Hyperlink für den Download für Trojaner-Virus für Windows in wirklicher Antwort auf E-Mail eingefügt, die bereits von potentiellen Opfern geschickt wurden. According to JASK notification, email becomes inbuilt in existing branch of email correspondence. This allows lulling target’s vigilance and bypassing spam protection.

Greg Longo, JASK
Greg Longo, JASK

“This email was not blocked by an anti-spam gateway. It was a context-aware targeted response to an existing email thread,” wrote Greg Longo, senior threat analyst with JASK, in an email-based interview.

He also added that aim of such attacks is stealing confidential financial information, including back account credentials.

Infecting happens by the following algorithm. Fishing letter arrives with the link on Microsoft OneDrive file that delivers Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) in compressed ZIP-archive. If this archive is open, attack starts the legitimate BITSAdmin Windows utility. Diese, Seinerseits, leads to activation of Wscript.exe that is another Windows utility that used for uploading Qbot «august.png» malware program from hackers’ server.

This trick applied now for delivery of long-living Trojan Qbot, auch bekannt als QakBot und Pinkslipbot. Trojan that specializes on stealing data for access to bank accounts helps cybercriminals for more than 10 Jahre. In its popularity contributes ability to reproduce itself through removable shared media devices, and polymorphism – constant change of program code that allows bypassing antivirus protection.

Despite that Trojan virus Qbot is relatively well studied, specialists cannot block its spread since 2009. To avoid catching this virus, you should be careful while opening emails even from address that you trust.


Polina Lisovskaya

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